Learn Krmx


Krmx is an event-based protocol. All events are send using the WebSocket protocol and are JSON (opens in a new tab) formatted.

Event Format

All events in Krmx have a basic structure. This basic structure defines a message's type and its optional payload.

The type property should have a string value that tells the application the type of event that it represents. For example: krmx/link or my-application/continued. It is recommended to use a fixed prefix ending with a / in all of your custom events.

The payload property is an optional property that can represent data sent along with the event. The payload can be left out or set to any valid JSON value, such as string or a custom object with custom properties.

  "type": "my-app/some-event",
  "payload": ... payload here ...

The clients generally use verbs for the type property in their messages to the server. The verb indicate the action that client is taking (for example poker/fold). The server generally uses the past tense of a verb to indicate the action that has been taken by one of the clients (for example poker/folded).

Internal Messages in Krmx Protocol

The Krmx protocol uses the above structure for its internal events during communication between clients and the server. All events that Krmx uses internally a represented by a message that uses the krmx/ prefix.

  "type": "krmx/*",
  "payload": ... payload here ...

Keep in mind that the krmx/ prefix is reserved for Krmx internal messages.

As part of the Krmx protocol, the clients can send the krmx/link, krmx/unlink, and krmx/leave messages to the server.

As part of the Krmx protocol, the server can send the krmx/rejected, krmx/accepted, krmx/joined, krmx/linked, krmx/unlinked, and krmx/left messages to the clients.

For more information on the meaning behind the different events that these message represent, read the event-based section.

Link Message

The krmx/link message is sent from the client to the server when a connection wants to link to a user. The username property in the payload indicates to which user the connection wants to link. The version property in the payload should be set to the version of the krmx protocol is used. The auth property can optionally be set to a string value (for example a JWT token), which can be used on the server side to validate authentication.

  "type": "krmx/link",
  "payload": { "username": "<username>", "version": "0.4.1", "auth": "abc123def" }

Note: Custom authentication behaviour can added to the server side by using the authenticate callback. This can be used to enforce a limit of users or use custom logic to validate the provided authentication string. (TODO: fix link to point to the actual authenticate callback once that documentation has been written.)

Rejected Message

The krmx/rejected message is sent from the server to a specific client, whenever that client tried to link to a user incorrectly. For example this can happen if the user that a connection is trying to link to is already linked to another connection. The reason property in the payload indicates the reason why the connection could not be linked to the user.

  "type": "krmx/rejected",
  "payload": { "reason": "<reason>" }

Accepted Message

The krmx/accepted message is sent from the server to a specific client, whenever the client successfully linked itself to a user.

  "type": "krmx/accepted"

Unlink Message

The krmx/unlink message is sent from the client to the server when a connection wants to unlink from the user it is linked to.

  "type": "krmx/unlink"

Leave Message

The krmx/leave message is sent from the client to the server when a connection intends to have the user it is linked to leave the server.

  "type": "krmx/leave"

Joined Message

The krmx/joined message is broadcast from the server to all linked connections, whenever a client has joined the server. The username property in the payload indicates the name of the user that joined the server.

  "type": "krmx/joined",
  "payload": { "username": "<username>" }

Linked Message

The krmx/linked message is broadcast from the server to all linked connections, whenever a user is newly linked to a connection. The username property in the payload indicates the name of the user that the connection was linked to.

  "type": "krmx/linked",
  "payload": { "username": "<username>" }

Unlinked Message

The krmx/unlinked message is broadcast from the server to all linked connections, whenever a user has unlinked from its connection. The username property in the payload indicates the name of the user that was unlinked from its connection.

  "type": "krmx/unlinked",
  "payload": { "username": "<username>" }

Left Message

The krmx/left message is broadcast from the server to all linked connections, whenever a user has left the server. The username property in the payload indicates the name of the user that left the server.

  "type": "krmx/left",
  "payload": { "username": "<username>" }

Custom Messages

When working with Krmx you will have to define custom message to send from server to client and from client to server. The payloads of these messages can be of any format, as long as the data can be serialized to a String.

The payload of custom messages is wrapped using the JSON format, similar to that of the Krmx internal messages.

An example custom message without a payload.

  "type": "my-game/pass"

An example custom message with a 'string' payload.

  "type": "my-game/spawn",
  "payload": "dragon"

An example custom message with an object payload.

  "type": "my-game/sell",
  "payload": {
    "item": "apple",
    "quantity": "3"

Keep in mind that the krmx/ prefix in the type property is reserved for Krmx internal messages. You should use your own prefix for your custom messages.